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The Visit

You came to me once in that apartment on Wardlaw

it was a few months after you left, not quite a year

it's hard to remember it now

your voice was quiet and still and

it fluttered wildly like the moths around our kitchen bulb

but still it danced in the waves of my perception -

so I listened


I was too young for your visit then

too immature and stupid and naive

I didn't understand what you were saying to me

still so self-absorbed and ignorant and


but I tried to be older, for you

I had to be anyway


You told me to be still and quiet and your voice was soothing

in that way that I remembered

you came to slay my monsters, even though

you didn't know about all of them when you left

I had never let you use your sword for me before

it seemed so dull and you seemed too tired

to do anything more for me


You had your own monsters to battle all those years

I didn't understand them and I didn't ask you

I didn't want to know

it was all too much and it made me want to scream and throw myself

on my bed and cry because there were too many things that

were hard

for all of us


But then you came to visit me in that apartment on Wardlaw

it was three in the morning and my mind was still foggy

I sat on the porcelein to think, trying to understand what you

were trying to say

the world was loud and quiet in that moment

and then I felt you behind my breastbone

like cocoa from the silver pot on the old green stove


Sometimes I'm scared that I will leave too

like you left

so I try to sharpen my sword for them

in case they need me

like I needed you

in case I need to pay them

a visit


© 2022 Shirley Hay